Serving the Saskatoon area
With regular trips to:
Yorkton - Souris - Hartney
Regina - Moosomin - Estevan areas
Wawota - Redvers - Maryfield
It's all about Balance
Scott Hunter
306 717-7635
If I don't answer my phone....I'm under a horse. I always return phone calls asap. I try to check my messages between clients if there is cell coverage.
Scott is actively engaged in promoting equine health and welfare from the ground up.
thru membership in the

Member # 10288
Professional - Reliable Service
I am a horse owner myself so I always try to offer professional,courteous service to you and your horses. Before I became a farrier, I felt the same level of frustration and dissapointment as many horse owners do when the farrier doesn't show up....late....or doesn't return phone calls.....I try to make sure I don't do that....Life does happen so If i'm late I have a cell phone and make the calls.
My main goals are to have sound, healthy horses. I am always willing to discuss your horses and its issues and also to work with your vet if neccessary. I make it a point to treat all horses the same regardless of if they are a brood mare, trail horse, a show horse, or a race horse. Every horse gets the very best... every time!